

Cooperative apartments in Czech republic

Co-operative real estate or Družstevní vastnictvi attracts with its lower prices comparing to similar properties in private ownership. There are many myths about co-operative apartments, and why it is not worth buying. In this video I will explain what are co-operative apartments, I will name the pros and cons of its acquisition. You can read (…)

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How do realtors increase real estate prices?

In social networks it’s common to see comments that realtors are defining the real estate prices. It’s because of them the prices of homes are so high in Prague. How do realtors increase the prices? Watch in my video or read in the article below. I am always amazed how some people believe that the (…)

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Will you obtain a residence permit if you own a real estate in Prague?

I often receive emails from foreigners who live outside the European Union and want to buy real estate in the Czech Republic in order to obtain a residence permit here. Just recently, one of my clients wanted to buy an apartment in Prague for half a million euros, because someone told him that thanks to (…)

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3 traps of cheap properties in Czech Republic

When searching for a property to buy in Czech Republic, many foreigners that do not speak Czech fall into 3 common traps. Let me tell you about them.

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In what case they may not sell you a property even for cash?

Any foreigner can buy a real estate in Czech republic with his own funds. But let me tell you about one occasion when you may be refused to buy a property even for cash. Watch my video to know when. The described scenario applies even to foreigners with the residency in Czech republic.

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Liability insurance. Why do you need it?

I am a real estate agent. Part of my job is also to advise to the clients on various obligations and best practices that are connected to owning or renting a property. One of such topics is insurance. Most of people heard about the need of having a house or a furnishings insurance but not (…)

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Mortgage in Czech Republic: how to get it?

It’s no secret that mortgage rates in Europe, in particular in the Czech Republic, are currently pretty low. Therefore, many people choose to finance the purchase of a real estate with a mortgage. What are the main requirements in order to get a mortgage in Czech Republic? Watch in my video or read the article (…)

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How to split an estate when divorcing?

How can parties split their estate when divorcing? Watch my video to learn about three ways to do it.

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To pay or not to pay for the services of a real estate agent?

To pay or not to pay for the services of a real estate agent? My trainer at the gym, Teresa, learnt the answer to this question the hard way when she and her boyfriend decided to buy their first apartment. They fell in love with a cozy apartment with a balcony in a new building (…)

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How to calculate whether you can afford to buy a home in the Czech Republic?

In my previous article, To rent or to buy – which is better? I answered the questions that you need to ask yourself when deciding whether to buy your own home or to live in a rented one. If you are inclined to buy, then you need to calculate how much money you need. Property (…)

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How to sell a real estate in Czech Republic without being here?

Recently more and more people contact me from abroad with the same question – whether they can sell their property in Czech Republic without a need of arriving in person, and what is needed for this. Of course, the sale of a real estate can happen without the presence of the owner, by a power (…)

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